free and easy parking!

582 Karangahape Rd

Monday: 8 am - 5 pm

Tuesday: 8 am - 5 pm

Wednesday: 8 am - 5 pm

Thursday 8 am - 5 pm

Friday: 8 am - 5 pm

Saturday: By appointment

Appointments are available outside of these hours by arrangement.

Confirm Your Booking

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If you clicked our booking confirmation link, you booking will confirm automatically.

This is a new system we're setting up, so if anything doesn't quite work right, please call us to confirm instead. Thanks! - (09) 280 2920

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Your booking is confirmed!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.
Please try calling us instead to confirm your appointment,
at (09) 280 2920. Thanks!

What testimonials say

Our Success Story

Their customer support was amazing. Their help was quick and gave me very clear instructions to follow. Incredible theme. Thumb up!

Amazing fast and reliable customer support! The team of developers are willing to go an extra mile for customer service! Thanks!

Their customer support was amazing. Their help was quick and gave me very clear instructions to follow. Incredible theme. Thumb up!