Appointments are available outside of these hours
by arrangement.
Pregnancy scans ( also known as prenatal or obstetric ultrasounds ), use sound waves to create images of the baby and womb, helping to scan for pregnancy confirmation, estimate the due date, and check for multiple pregnancies (such as twins or triplets).
They also play a vital role in detecting congenital abnormalities, monitoring the baby's growth and position, and assessing the overall condition of the pregnancy, including the placenta and amniotic fluid levels. This will help to make sure you're safe during pregnancy and to watch for some of the risks pregnancies can encounter.
Scans during pregnancy give valuable information to expectant mothers and healthcare providers, to ensure that both mother and baby receive the best possible support throughout the pregnancy journey.
Pregnancy ultrasounds are split into three trimesters, with first trimester ultrasound tests estimating your due date. Second and third trimester screenings occur later in the pregnancy timeline, where your sonographer can perform prenatal testing to determine anatomy and growth progress.
Each type of obstetric or pregnancy scan depends on the number of weeks pregnant.
Please note that all timings are estimates only due to sonographer and patient factors therefore scanning times may vary. Time in minutes are allotted but often do not require the full time given.
Please note that all timings are estimates only due to operator and patient factors therefore scanning times may vary. Time in minutes are allotted but often do not require the full time given.
Your preparation is important, and will depend on the part of the body being examined. Upon booking refer to Step 3 for instructions on preparation for your scan.
Please note that all timings are estimates only. Scanning times may vary due to operator and patient factors. We allocate the time indicated however many scans do not require the full time given.
However, some obstetric scans can take longer than expected , for example Anatomy scans where the baby's position obstructs some of the views required to complete the scan; or complex pelvic scans. This added scanning work also requires additional time for reporting.
In these situations, we reserve the right to charge an extended scanning fee of $50 if additional time ( up to 10 min ) is required to complete the scan. This can potentially avoid us having to rebook for a follow up scan and therefore save patients additional time and effort to return for another scan. You will be advised at the time of your scan if this charge is necessary.